Summary Notes from Hall Trustees' meeting 23/7/24

• At the AGM on 15/10/24, Peter Sheppard and Arun Agarwal will retire and stand again for election. PB will retire. AH will retire, but Trustees have agreed to co-opt her whilst she is involved in organising events, including the Quiz Night on 16/11/24.
• Marc Holdstock and Kevin Cambridge have been appointed as full-time and part-time caretakers respectively.
• The suppliers of the Hall sound system are to visit to investigate our complaints on 30/7/24.
• The Hall Administrator has some feedback about the Hallmaster online booking system, to feed into a review.
• Two quotations have been received for the refurbishment of the House; another quote would be sought before making a decision as to the contractor.
• Estimated savings from using solar energy are already £9,700, as against Trustees' expenditure of £8,000 - the remaining costs having been met through grants.
• A Hall Open Day will be held in November, in addition to the other 50th Anniversary events.