Summary Notes from Hall Trustees' meeting 28/5/24
1. The full-time Caretaker post has been offered to another candidate; he has been asked to decide whether to take the post by 31st May.
Another gentleman is interested in the part-time caretaker post and possible hours are being discussed.
In the meantime, opening, setting up and closing of the Hall is being carried out by a volunteer team. The dedicated volunteers of the Buildings Group continue to perform many and varied maintenance tasks. The cleaning contract will continue for seven days per week throughout June.
2. Quotes are being obtained for renovation work to the Steward's House.
3. The Trustees have decided that the bar will no longer sell draught beers; maintaining these perishable drinks in good condition entails a good deal of staff time and, because the bar is not open regularly, a substantial amount of waste occurs. Bottled beers will still be stocked, along with an extended range of low/zero alcohol drinks.
4. Hall bookings to the end of 2025 may now be made online.