Summary Notes from Hall Trustees' meeting 27/2/24

1. David Phillipson, our Hall Steward, will be retiring on 30/4/24, after 35 years of valued service. We will be advertising for a full-time Caretaker, part-time Assistant Caretaker(s) and part-time Administrator.
2. The online Hall booking system will go live after David's retirement. A simplified schedule of hiring charges has been agreed.
3. The Hall Quiz Night will be on Saturday 16/11/24. As a celebration of the Hall's 50th Anniversary, this will be a special event, to include wine on the tables.
4. The heating controller has been replaced; this may have been malfunctioning, resulting in low room temperatures on some occasions. It it hoped that it may be possible to reduce the noise which the heaters make.
5. It appears that mould in the cupboard at the far end of the Garden Room may have been caused by a leaking roof around the soil pipe. This will be rectified urgently.
6. The working lights on the stage need to be replaced. An alternative unit, suspended from the gantry, is to be trialled.
7. The new batteries (to store solar energy) will be installed within a few days of this meeting.
8. A successful fire evacuation drill was carried out on 6/2/24. In future, the fire assembly point will be the car parking area at the top of Caudle Street - new signage will be made.
9. PAT testing for lighting equipment will take place during August 2024.
10. Technical advice is being sought regarding problems with microphones.
11. Graham du Heaume will be speaking at the "Mudlarks Day" in the Hall on 11th May.